We make your health and safety here at The Lane Spa our priority.
The Lane Spa is fully staffed and open for business as usual. We have always been proud of our cleanliness and sanitation daily practices. We will continue to maintain and sanitize the spa to keep our staff and guests healthy and safe.
We stand committed to you!
Please feel confident that we are doing everything possible to make your favorite Lane Spa experience safe and enjoyable.
As a small business for 27 years we have an excellent reputation in the community and we hope to see you soon!
Marcia & Jay
In addition to our enhanced cleaning protocols we have also invested in air purifying systems for the entire spa.
Nano Induct™ Air Purifier
The nano Induct™ is a central air purifier. Attached to the A/C units in our spa, it provides a blanket of air ionization throughout your the spa. It controls odors while eliminating viruses, bacteria, and mold through the rooms of the spa.
The Lane Spa Covid 19 Guidelines
Updated Feb. 26, 2022
1. We remain diligent and will inform you of any changes the CDC makes related to Covid 19. We will update our policies as necessary.
2. We insist on impeccable cleanliness. Sanitation standards and disinfecting policies are held to the highest standards.
3. Masks are optional at this time whether you are vaccinated or not. If a guest requests that a licensed staff member wear a mask they will do so.
4. If you are experiencing an upper respiratory infection, cold, flu or any other possible contagious illness please do not visit the spa until you are well.
Marcia C. Lane